Ashkon Software LLC



Divergence - Stock Trading Term

Divergence is a technical analysis tool used to analyze the relationship between an asset's price movement and a technical indicator, such as volume, momentum, or oscillators. It refers to a situation where the price of an asset moves in an opposite direction to the indicator, suggesting a potential turning point in the market. Divergence can occur in both bullish and bearish markets and can be an important tool for traders and investors in identifying potential changes in market sentiment and making informed trading decisions.

There are two types of divergence: positive and negative. Positive divergence occurs when the price of an asset makes a lower low, but the indicator makes a higher low. This suggests that the selling pressure is weakening, and the market may be approaching a turning point, signaling a potential buying opportunity. Conversely, negative divergence occurs when the price of an asset makes a higher high, but the indicator makes a lower high. This suggests that the buying pressure is weakening, and the market may be approaching a turning point, signaling a potential selling opportunity.

Divergence can be observed in a variety of technical indicators, including volume, momentum, and oscillators such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). For example, if the price of a stock is rising, but the volume of trades is decreasing, it may indicate that the buying pressure is weakening, and the price may soon reverse direction. Similarly, if the price of a stock is falling, but the RSI is rising, it may suggest that the selling pressure is weakening, and the price may soon reverse direction.

It is important to note that divergence is not a foolproof trading strategy and should be used in conjunction with other technical and fundamental analysis tools. Divergence can also be difficult to identify, and false signals can occur, leading to losses. Therefore, traders and investors need to use caution and risk management when using divergence as a trading tool.

In conclusion, divergence is a powerful tool in technical analysis that can help traders and investors identify potential changes in market sentiment and make informed trading decisions. By analyzing the relationship between an asset's price movement and a technical indicator, traders can gain insights into the strength of buying and selling pressure and potentially capitalize on market trends. However, as with any trading strategy, divergence should be used with caution and in conjunction with other analysis tools to minimize risks and maximize potential profits.


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