Ashkon Software


DFSE - Dimensional Emerging Markets Sustainability Core 1 ETF

Expense Ratio: 0.41%

DFSE ETF Stock Chart

DFSE Profile

Dimensional Emerging Markets Sustainability Core 1 ETF logo

The Dimensional Emerging Markets Sustainability ETF (stock symbol: DFSE) is designed to provide investors with exposure to emerging market equities while incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into its selection process. The fund seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies that exhibit sustainable business practices and contribute positively to their communities and the environment. The ETF's investment strategy focuses on companies with favorable sustainability scores, aiming to balance financial performance with responsible corporate behavior.

DFSE is managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors, a well-established firm known for its research-driven approach to investment management. The fund's holdings are diversified across various sectors and regions within the emerging markets, providing a broad representation of the economic growth potential in these areas. By applying a systematic and disciplined investment process, Dimensional aims to identify companies that not only meet traditional financial metrics but also demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.

The ETF is an attractive option for investors looking to incorporate ESG principles into their portfolios without sacrificing returns. As global awareness of sustainability issues continues to grow, funds like DFSE are likely to play a crucial role in aligning investment strategies with broader societal goals. By focusing on sustainable and responsible companies, DFSE offers a way to potentially benefit from the long-term growth opportunities in emerging markets while supporting positive environmental and social outcomes.


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