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NXN - Nuveen NY Sel Tax-Free Income

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Nuveen NY Sel Tax-Free Income logo

Nuveen New York Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio is a closed-end fixed income mutual fund established by Nuveen Investments Inc. The fund is managed jointly by Nuveen Fund Advisors LLC and Nuveen Asset Management, LLC. It focuses on investments within New York's fixed income markets, aiming to provide investors with tax-exempt income. The fund's portfolio primarily consists of municipal bonds, maintaining an average credit quality of Baa/BBB or higher, ensuring a balance of quality and return.

The fund's investment strategy is grounded in fundamental analysis, enabling the identification and selection of securities that demonstrate strong potential for income generation and stability. It diversifies its investments across various sectors to mitigate risk and capitalize on market opportunities. By leveraging extensive research and market insights, the fund aims to construct a resilient and high-performing portfolio.

Nuveen New York Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio benchmarks its performance against prominent indices, including the Barclays Capital New York Municipal Bond Index and the S&P New York Municipal Bond Index. These benchmarks help gauge the fund's effectiveness in achieving its investment objectives relative to the broader market. The fund's adherence to these benchmarks ensures disciplined performance tracking and consistent evaluation.

Founded on June 19, 1992, the Nuveen New York Select Tax-Free Income Portfolio has a longstanding presence in the investment community. Domiciled in the United States, the fund is part of Nuveen's extensive range of investment products designed to meet diverse investor needs. With its focus on generating tax-free income through high-quality municipal bonds, the fund remains a reliable option for investors seeking stable and tax-efficient returns.

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Stock Sector: Financial Services: Closed-End Fund - Debt


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