Ashkon Software


NOCT - Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF - October

Expense Ratio: 0.79%

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NOCT Profile

Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF - October logo

The Innovator Growth-100 Power Buffer ETF - October (NOCT) represents a targeted exchange-traded fund focused primarily on large cap equity investments. Managed actively by Innovator, NOCT introduces a strategic approach aimed at managing downside risk while optimizing potential gains linked to the NASDAQ 100 index over a designated holding period. Launched on October 1, 2019, NOCT integrates options strategies and collateral holdings within its portfolio management framework, offering investors a structured vehicle designed to navigate market volatility.

Central to NOCT's investment strategy is its dual objective of buffering potential losses and capping gains, reflecting Innovator's commitment to providing investors with a balanced exposure to market movements. The fund's active management style leverages proprietary research and quantitative analysis to tactically position within the NASDAQ 100 universe, ensuring alignment with risk-adjusted return targets. This approach underscores NOCT's role as a dynamic solution for investors seeking to manage risk while participating in potential market upswings.

Investors in NOCT benefit from Innovator's disciplined approach to portfolio construction, which combines strategic options overlay with carefully managed collateral assets. This methodology not only enhances liquidity and transparency but also reinforces NOCT's capacity to deliver consistent performance outcomes over time. Innovator's stewardship of NOCT exemplifies a commitment to innovation in ETF management, providing a robust platform for investors to capitalize on opportunities within the large cap equity space.

Since inception, NOCT has emerged as a cornerstone within Innovator's suite of ETF offerings, catering to the diverse needs of institutional and retail investors seeking sophisticated yet accessible investment solutions. The fund's structured approach aligns with Innovator's overarching mission to empower clients with forward-thinking investment strategies that navigate market complexities with resilience and foresight. NOCT stands as a testament to Innovator's dedication to pioneering excellence in ETF management, fostering investor confidence through strategic portfolio diversification and risk management expertise.


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