Downloading Historical Data

After you have typed in a few stocks you will have to download historical data for them. Select "Data" -> "Update All" from the top menu or click icon on the toolbar. If you would like to update historical data that has been downloaded some time ago use the same procedure.

In case you would like to upload data only for specific stocks you may use "Data" -> "Update Current" command from the top menu or icon on the toolbar. Historical stock quotes for currently selected symbol will be updated. You may also right-click the selected symbol under "Companies" Tab and choose "Update ...." from the popup menu.

Stock Predictor displays data up to Jan 1st, 1994. Historical stock quotes are downloaded from a free internet source, there is no additional data feed charges. The quotes are 20 minutes delayed.

Occasionally you may see a message "Historical Quotes for symbol [XXXXX] are not available". This means that either the symbol is no longer valid or historical data source does not contain data for this symbol. To ensure that you are using a correct symbol you may visit and try to search for the company stock symbol. Stocks that are listed at stock exchanges other than US require suffixes. You may see the list of supported exchanges and corresponding suffices here.

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